Samstag, 19. Februar 2011

Arzt mit Mission!

Howdy Freunde!
Und hier kommen die Missionen passend dazu!

Anfangs Mission
This is the dependable mission
Ernte (Harvest) 10x Apfelbäume (Apple Trees)
Sammel (Collect) 3x Hühnerbrühe (Chicken Broths)
Platziere 1x Blumenbeet (Flower Bed)

Mission I
The Prairie Pox
Besuche (Visit) 10x Nachbarn (Neighbor)
Erstell/Habe (Craft/Have) 10x Feuer (Fire)
Sammel einmal den täglichen Bonus ein von der Arztpraxis

Mission II
Is There A Doctor in The House?
Ernte 20x Gemüse vom Nachbarn (Neighbor Crops)
Sammel 10x Glass Ampulle (Glass Vials)
Bekomm einen Ärztlichen Bericht (Get Adivce From Doc)

Mission III
Not PFDA Approved
Ernte 10x Pfefferminz (Peppermint)
Füttere (Tend) 25x Hühnchen (Chicken) von Nachbarn
Sammel (Collect) 1x Spritze (Syringe)

Spread The Cure
Füttere 25x Kühe (Cows) von Nachbarn
Sammel 10x Rezepte (Prescriptions)
Erstelle 10x Medizinische Elixire (Medicinal Elixirs)

2 Kommentare:

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  2. These documents are most reliable when obtained through the bankruptcy court where they were submitted under oath.
    Enjoyment aside, there is a business side to this type of photography that is
    imperative so as to establish high standards, deliver quality service and ensure a smooth operation.
    If you start out on your own you would need to figure everything out
    alone and you would not have anyone to turn to for help.

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